Australian Government approves Chandler Facility

  • Australian Government approval secured with 13 conditions under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (Cwlth) (EPBC Act)
  • Australian Government approval signifies confidence that Tellus can manage matters under the EPBC Act at Australia’s first dual underground rock salt mine and complementary storage business
  • The next step is to incorporate 19 NT EPA recommendations and the 13 Australian Government conditions into an Extractive Operations Mining Management Plan (MMP)
  • Once the MMP is approved, a Mining Authorisation can be granted by the NT Minister for Primary Industry and Resources to allow salt mining to commence

Tellus Holdings Ltd (Tellus) is pleased to announce that it has received approval (EPBC 2012/6684) from the Australian Government Department of the Environment and Energy for its Chandler Facility located 120 km south of Alice Springs in the Northern Territory (NT).

”We are delighted with the grant of the Sandy Ridge mining lease and associated four miscellaneous licenses,” said Tellus Managing Director Duncan van der Merwe.

“The timetable for securing all the remaining mining and storage approvals required for the Facility construction to start before the end of the year are in accordance with the project development timelines.”

Approval under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act 1999 (EPBC Act) includes 13 conditions that will protect five nationally listed species (one marsupial, two skinks and two bird species) during construction, operation, closure and rehabilitation of the Chandler Facility, Australia’s first dual underground rock salt mine and complementary storage business.

Fig 1: Artist impression of Chandler Facility (above ground infrastructure)

The conditions include restrictions on clearing potentially suitable habitat for the listed species, pre-clearance surveys, preparation of a Biodiversity Management Plan and Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and operational restrictions like speed limits on site.

The Australian Government’s approval signifies they are confident that Tellus has considered and can manage the possible impacts that relate to matters listed under the EPBC Act. Tellus has undertaken extensive studies over many years with traditional owners, local ecologists and national experts. The approval by the Australian Government is a show of support for Tellus’ evidence-based and risk-based environmental assessment and management plans and is an important next step in securing the remaining approvals required for the Chandler Facility.

Where applicable, the 13 conditions set by the Australian Government and the 19 recommendations set by the NT EPA in their Assessment Report (83) dated November 2017 will be incorporated into the forthcoming Extractive Operations Mining Management Plan (MMP) for the Chandler Facility. Once the MMP is approved, a Mining Licence and a Mining Authorisation can be granted by the Minister for Primary Industry and Resources to allow salt mining to commence under the Mining Management Act (NT).

For Tellus’ complementary storage business, the Company must lodge applications for an Environmental Protection Approval and Licence to allow storage operations to commence under the Waste Management Pollution Control Act (NT) (WMPC Act). Tellus must conduct site investigations to address the recommendations and conditions of approval set by the NT EPA and Australian Government. This will be completed during Tellus’ Bankable Feasibility Study (BFS) with field work starting in early 2019.

A copy of the Australian Government’s approval and conditions will be provided on the Department of the Environment and Energy’s website at (EPBC 2012/6684).

‘Tellus takes our environmental obligations very seriously and at Tellus’ own initiative we will be looking at creating an environmental offset area within the project area. This option would involve research with native title holders, NT Parks and Wildlife, the Australian Government and other non-government organisations into the captive breeding of threatened fauna species within a cat/camel proof fenced-in area and then their ultimate reintroduction into the regional area’ said Tellus Managing Director Duncan van der Merwe.

About Tellus Holdings:

Tellus Holdings Ltd (“Tellus”) mission is to contribute towards a cleaner Australia by developing a portfolio of geological repositories that provide waste storage, recovery and permanent isolation solutions plus complementary salt and clay products to our clients.
This dual revenue model involves mining the commodities kaolin clay and rock salt in thick dry remote beds which creates world’s best practice geological repositories. The voids created by mining are then used to store equipment, archives and waste using a multi- barrier system as part of an integrated safety case. Tellus plans to permanently isolate hazardous waste using environmentally sound management (ESM) principles that protect the environment and human health.
Tellus also uses long-term storage that supports the circular economy by placing like-with-like materials for operational safety reasons and to create opportunities for the future recovery of valuable materials. Tellus’ business model mirrors overseas solutions operating in the UK, Europe and North America.
Tellus is developing the proposed Sandy Ridge facility in Western Australia (WA) and the proposed Chandler facility in the Northern Territory (NT). Both Sandy Ridge and Chandler were awarded Major Project Facilitation Service by the Australian Government and Chandler was awarded Major Project Status by the NT Government.

For further information:

Visit: or contact:

Duncan van der Merwe

Managing Director

Tel: +61 (0)2 8257 3395

Cameron Morse

FTI Consulting (Media)

Tel: +61 (0)8 9485 8888

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