Project Management Services

Treatment services

Tellus can provide project management of the following:

  • Treatment services (prior to storage or permanent isolation
    • Liquid chemical immobilisation and solidification using a waste isolation plant (WIP) and proprietary immobilisation formulations
  • Packagings and containment units
  • Packaging and containment unit decontamination
  • Waste separation and 3rd party disposal
  • Damaged / leaking / wrong package delivery rectification
  • Quarantined and rejected waste management
  • Emergency service clean-up (from Mt Walton access road turnoff to Sandy Ridge gate)
  • Emergency after hours service
  • Pre-qualified State or Territory Emergency Service (SES/ TES) storage & quarantine facility

If you are looking for a partner to provide waste management solutions, please contact us at Tellus.

Treatment services


  • Clients have a diversity of difficult to manage waste types. Wastes with the following characteristics could potentially be accepted for placement into the facility provided they have had pre-treatment: liquid or sludge,corrosive, oxidising or self-heating
    • Tellus plans to add other treatment technologies in line with client’s requirements and regulatory approvals
    • A suitable method to stabilise, solidify or modify the waste would be required to ensure that such materials would not affect the operationalor post-closure safety of the facility
  • Other services are offered on a schedule of rates published on Tellus website, from time to time