
is one of the highest emitters of hazardous
waste per capita

1 Billion tonnes

Legacy and emerging waste stockpile is at 1 billion tonnes and growing


of the ~62 Mtpa of reported waste is
classified as hazardous waste (~7.6 Mtpa)


Safety, Service, People
and Sustainability

100k tpa

Sandy Ridge has a 25-year, 100k tpa
(2.5 Mt total) licence capacity



Tellus sources a diverse range of goods, materials and services from suppliers during our projects’ build and operation stages. Safety is always Tellus’ number one priority and our objective is to minimise cost and maximise value. We aim to ensure that the approach we adopt is fair and is clearly understood by our potential suppliers.



Tellus is developing several geological repository projects around Australia. Geological repositories provide the highest level of containment for hazardous waste by isolating the materials from the biosphere over geological time. Tellus also integrates long-term storage solutions that supports the circular economy by creating opportunities for the future recovery of valuable materials. Tellus’ projects include:

  • Sandy Ridge Facility – a near surface geological repository in a 70-million-year-old dry clay bed, with an annual capacity of 100,000 tonnes waste materials and 40,000 tonnes kaolin clay, located 240 km north-west by vehicle of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. This facility also provides the opportunity for dual revenue streams through monetising the mined kaolin.
  • Proposed Blue Bush Project would be Australia’s first east coast near-surface geological waste repository in a semi-arid area, located approximately 45 km’s south of Broken Hill in New South Wales (NSW).  Drilling in the 1970’s and 1980’s identified a thick, flat, dry kaolin clay bed on top of a 1,700 million-year-old gneiss formation called the Broken Hill Block. These are some of the oldest and most stable rocks in eastern Australia which supports the site safety case.
  • Chandler Facility – proposed dual revenue salt mine with a deep underground geological repository in a 500-million-year-old dry salt bed, with an annual capacity of 400,000 tonnes waste and 750,000 tonnes salt, located 120 km south of Alice Springs, Northern Territory
  • ClayVault WA – a 50/50 joint venture between Tellus and Aurora. ClayVault WA was been the project manager of Australia’s only existing Class V Intractable Waste Disposal Facility (IWDF) from 2003-2019. The IWDF is owned by the WA Government and has had a safe operating history since 1992
  • Other Projects – Tellus is involved in evaluating other clay and salt opportunities in QLD, NSW, VIC and SA through its exploration focused subsidiary Munta Salt Pty Ltd



Environmental services

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Permanent isolation services

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Storage and recovery services

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Additional services

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