
Tellus is committed to sustainable development, as outlined in the Minerals Council of Australia’s ‘Enduring Values’ report, which defines sustainability in the mining sector as investment that is financially profitable, technically appropriate, environmentally sound and socially responsible.

For Tellus, sustainability means operating in an ethical way to leave an enduring legacy from our projects. It also means that current and future generations suffer no actual or perceived harm, or detriment, from our activities.

To achieve this, we commit to quality and ongoing consultation to ensure we are listening to community aspirations and concerns.

We also commit to transparency and good communication to build trust and good relationships that ensure we earn our ‘social licence to operate’ or community acceptance of our operations.

This will deliver better outcomes for Tellus and its staff, for our shareholders, for the community in which we operate and for our government and business partners.

Tellus will produce an annual sustainability report outlining its performance which will become increasingly detailed as Tellus moves from planning and construction to operations.

Environmental sustainbility

Sustainability Policy

Tellus has an overriding commitment to sustainable development and will adhere to the highest social, environmental, ethical and economic standards in our operations. We will:

  • not compromise on our safety values, and seek ways to promote and improve the safety and health of our workforce and the community
  • identify, assess and manage risks to employees, contractors, the environment and our communities
  • uphold ethical business practices and meet or, where less stringent than our standards, exceed applicable legal and other requirements
  • encourage a diverse workforce and provide a work environment in which everyone is treated fairly, with respect and can realise their full potential
  • set and achieve targets that promote efficient use of resources and include reducing and preventing pollution
  • communicate regularly, openly and honestly with people affected by our operations, and take their views and concerns into account in our decision making
  • develop partnerships that contribute to the communities in which we operate
  • periodically review, ask for feedback and improve our Sustainable Policy and procedures