Successful Trade Delegation to Japan

Media Release

Key points:

  • Tellus accompanies Northern Territory Government on trade delegation to Japan
  • Tellus presented updated project drilling and bulk commodity grade results
  • Tellus received expressions of interest for salt and kaolin bulk commodity off-take
  • Tellus agrees roadmap with bulk commodity buyers to get to binding agreements

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Appointment of Group Non-Executive Director

Media Release

Key points:

  • Tellus expands its Group Board with the appointment of Mr Ron Sifton
  • Mr Sifton is an experienced executive in the salt mining and storage business and helped pioneer the industry in Canada
  • Mr Sifton recently retired as Director and Chief Financial Officer of Newalta, one of North America’s leading waste management and salt storage companies
  • Mr Sifton has been a shareholder and Director of Tellus subsidiary – Tellus Rockvault P/L since July 2010.

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Sandy Ridge Drilling Successfully Completed

Media Release

Key points:

  • Tellus has successfully completed an aircore drilling program at Sandy Ridge Project, WA
  • Sixty-one drill holes completed – 1,864 metres drilled in total
  • Initial kaolin grade analysis positive – 776 metres sent for further quality analysis to independent laboratories in Australia and the United Kingdom
  • Results confirm thickness and extent of kaolin bed – potentially low cost capex and opex
  • Resource modelling and product assessment to take place following quality analysis results

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Appointment of Non-Executive Director

Media Release

Key points:

  • Tellus expands its Board with the appointment of Dr Nikki Williams as a Director
  • Nikki has extensive mining, energy, chemical, fund management, waste and advocacy experience

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Appointment of Chairman

Media Release

Key points:

  • Tellus expands its Board with the appointment of Philip Garling as Non-Executive Chairman
  • Philip has 35 years’ experience in the infrastructure, construction and investment sectors

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Tellus Expands Sandy Ridge Technical Team and Commences Pre-feasibility Studies and Pilot Processing Plant

Media Release

Tellus Expands Sandy Ridge Technical Team and Commences Pre-feasibility Studies and Pilot Processing Plant

  • Sandy Ridge technical teams expands with the appointment of:
    •  EPMS Mike Ingram – experienced kaolin operator to provide technical advice on the pre-feasibility studies
    • Nagrom to analyse kaolin core chip samples and to run kaolin pilot plant in Perth
    • First Test Minerals Ltd (UK) – Frank Hart to provide specialist testing and technical advice
  • Building on 63 historic drill hole data and the 50 proposed new holes, Tellus commences prefeasibility study
  • Pilot to confirm quality of kaolin for high value kaolin markets that include paints, paper coatings, polymer industries and special ceramics.
  • EOI already received for high value Kaolin offtake from major Asian trading houses

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Sandy Ridge Drilling Contract Awarded

Media Release

Key points:

  • Wallis Drilling awarded stage one 2,000 m air core drilling contract
  • Drilling to confirm grade and volume of kaolin and geotechnical criteria linked to site selection
  • Drilling to commence February 2014 and sample analysis results expected by March 2014
  • Drilling support service contracts awarded to local WA firms
  • Tellus’ 100% owned 59km2 Sandy Ridge tenement adjacent to a known thick kaolin bed
  • 63 historic drill holes in the regional project area with 10 on Tellus’ tenement
  • 179 to 512 million ton kaolin JORC exploration targeti
  • Shallow nature of the kaolin geology promotes low cost drilling, mining capex and opex
  • EOI already received for high value Kaolin off take from major Asian trading houses

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Chandler Stage One Drilling Program Successfully Completed

Media Release

Key points:

  • Tellus completed stage one drilling program at Chandler Salt Mine Project in the Northern Territory
  • Two holes drilled totalling 1,937 m, Chandler salt bed 260 m thick
  • Drilling confirms key mine plan assumptions
  • Independent German salt expert Dr Henry Rauche (ERCOSPLAN) confirms no fatal flaws identified
  • Next steps:
    • Core samples to be sent to Australian and German laboratories for detailed chemical and geo-technical analysis
    • JORC resource report to be prepared by ERCOSPLAN
    • Definitive feasibility study stage one report expected by April 2014

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Tellus Hosts Chandler Project Site Visits

Media Release

Key points:

  • Tellus takes opportunity while drilling to host project stakeholders for Chandler site visit
  • Stakeholders included:
    • Alice Springs business groups
    • Station owners
    • Traditional owners and Central Land Council
    • Australian, Northern Territory and Local Government
    • Regulators
    • Media (ABC television and local newspaper)
    • International salt expert from Germany
    • Engineering, construction and operations consultants
    • Investors and potential offtake customers
  • Site visits help develop project awareness and good relationships with stakeholders

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Sandy Ridge – Maiden JORC Exploration Target Estimate

Media Release

Key points:

  • Tellus is pleased to announce the receipt of a JORC compliant exploration target1 estimate for its Sandy Ridge Kaolin Project, Western Australia
  • Tellus’ 100% owned 59km2 Sandy Ridge tenement adjacent to a known thick kaolin bed
  • The initial exploration target estimate is 179 -512 million tonnes kaolinite and covers 16 km2 (27%) of lease
  • The exploration target was prepared by Terra Search Pty Ltd
  • Kaolin is an industrial mineral used in paints, paper coatings, polymer industries and ceramics

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