Tellus Holdings 2018 Annual General Meeting results


Tellus Holdings Ltd is pleased to advise that its 2018 Annual General Meeting was held yesterday. The Company advises that there were two resolutions put to the members and they were duly passed.
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Tellus Holdings 2018 Notice of Meeting circulated

  • 2018 AGM Notice of Meeting and Annual Report circulated Friday 19 October 2018

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Tellus Holdings Board approves Sandy Ridge final investment decision

  • Tellus Holdings board approves Sandy Ridge final investment decision (FID), subject to financial close
  • Declaration of FID allows the company to complete several conditions precedent required by the preferred funding partners
  • Financial close and a staged construction is expected to begin before the end of the year and will be compliant with granted and pending regulatory approvals
  • The formal facility commissioning is expected at the end of 2019 with first waste receipt on the surface possible prior to this date (subject to approvals)

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Tellus Holdings Shareholder Update

Please note that the Company sent today an update to shareholders on recent positive fundraising milestones that have been achieved and potential next steps for Shareholders.
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Tellus business systems continue to meet international standards

  • Tellus successfully transitions to ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems and ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems
  • Tellus maintains certification to AS/NZS 4801 Health & Safety for the sixth year in a row
  • Tellus committed to meeting best practice through the purchase of INX Software to manage its health, safety, environment and quality compliance system

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Australian Government approves Chandler Facility

  • Australian Government approval secured with 13 conditions under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (Cwlth) (EPBC Act)
  • Australian Government approval signifies confidence that Tellus can manage matters under the EPBC Act at Australia’s first dual underground rock salt mine and complementary storage business
  • The next step is to incorporate 19 NT EPA recommendations and the 13 Australian Government conditions into an Extractive Operations Mining Management Plan (MMP)
  • Once the MMP is approved, a Mining Authorisation can be granted by the NT Minister for Primary Industry and Resources to allow salt mining to commence

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Sandy Ridge mining lease granted

  • Sandy Ridge Mining Lease granted by the Western Australian Government
  • Four Miscellaneous Licenses granted for access and water infrastructure
  • Tellus now has sufficient tenure to commence construction and mining activities at Sandy Ridge under the Mining Act

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Sandy Ridge early works commences

  • Sandy Ridge early works commences to meet final licence conditions
  • Early works includes site preparations for construction contractor mobilisations.

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Western Australia Minister for Environment approves Tellus’ Sandy Ridge Facility

  • WA Minister for Environment approves Sandy Ridge Facility, subject to conditions
  • Sandy Ridge Facility is Australia’s first dual open-cut kaolin mine and arid near-surface geological waste repository with a 25-year operating licence
  • The project involves mining up to 290,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) of kaolin clay and receiving up to a maximum of 100,000 tpa of Class IV and V waste at the gate
  • The project creates approximately 90 construction jobs and 70 operational jobs at peak
  • The Facility provides much needed sustainable infrastructure that can assist in “cleaning up country”, support the circular economy, create jobs and generate business opportunities
  • Tellus’ Waste Service Contract order book with waste producers and managers continues to grow on achievement of each milestone

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Tellus Receives $1.6 Million Research and Development Tax Incentive Refund

  • Tellus receives $1,600,000 Research and Development refund
  • Tellus’ R&D provides sustainable solutions for our clients

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